
Welcome to our official website of the dental department of Sarawak. We will be using this blogsite to update all of you with the current happenings, events, updates, news and information of what is going on around our dental department in the state. Please come and visit us often and do feel free to drop us any comments.

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Karies Gigi

Karies gigi merupakan penyakit kerosakan gigi yang disebabkan oleh kewujudan gula dan bakteria pada permukaan gigi yang menghasilkan asid. Asid ini menyebabkan penyahmineralan dan kerosakan tisu keras seperti enamel, dentin dan simentum akibat penapaian bakteria ke atas cebisan makanan pada permukaan gigi. Penyahmineralan akan menyebabkan kelemahan tisu gigi yang seterusnya mengakibatkan lubang pada gigi.

Jika terdapat kerosakan gigi, janganlah tunggu sehingga kesakitan gigi untuk mendapatkan rawatan. Pergilah ke klinik pergigian yang terdekat untuk mendapatkan rawatan pergigian dengan segera!

Monday, 24 June 2013

Seminar Peningkatan Perkhidmatan Ke Arah Kecemerlangan JKNS Bil 2/2013, 18-20 Jun 2013 Hotel Mega Miri

Pada 18 - 20 Jun 2013, Seminar Peningkatan Perkhidmatan Ke Arah Kecemerlangan JKNS Bil 2/2013 telah diadakan di Mega Hotel Miri. Seminar ini diadakan oleh Pejabat Pengarah Kesihatan Negeri Sarawak dengan kerjasama dan kehadiran bahagian Perubatan, Kesihatan Awam, Pergigian dan Farmasi.

(Duduk dari kiri ke kanan)
TPKN (Pergigian) Dr Chia Jit Chie; TPKN (Kesihatan Awam) Dr Jamilah bt. Hashim; Pengarah Kesihatan Negeri Sarawak, Datu' Dr Zuklifi bin Jantan; TPKN (Farmasi) Pn Mardziah bt Suhaili, penceramah dan Pakar Perundingan Pergigian Kesihatan Awam, Dr Ling Kwok Sung; Pegawai Pergigian Bahagian Miri, Dr Wan Mariam dan para penganjur seminar yang berdiri di belakang

Aturcara Seminar selama 3 hari

Dr Ling Kwok Sung membentangkan ceramah beliau

Para peserta seminar

Para peserta seminar yang perlu membentangkan kerja kumpulan 'Blue Ocean Strategy'

 Penyampaian sijil oleh Pengarah Kesihatan Negeri Sarawak Datu' Dr Zuklifi Jantan kepada penceramah Dr Ling Kwok Sung

Thursday, 20 June 2013

5th Sarawak State Research Day 2013

Call for abstract timeline:
¨     Submission is open: 1st May 2013
¨     Submission of abstract deadline: 31st July 2013
¨     Notification of shortlisted abstract: 1st September 2013

¨     The 5th Sarawak State Research Day abstract submission is open to all public and private health, medical and academic staff in Sarawak.
¨     We invite abstract for oral or poster presentation.
¨     Each individual may submit more than one abstract.
¨     All submission should come with the Lampiran A (As attached).
¨     Abstracts are to be submitted in English / Bahasa Malaysia.
¨     At least one of the authors must register with the 5th Sarawak State Research Day 2013.
¨     All abstracts must be submitted online at this email: Upon successful submission, a confirmation of receipt email will be sent to you.
¨     The decision by the Scientific Committee of the Research Day is final.

Instruction for abstract submission:
¨     Please refer to the abstract submission guidelines.

For further information, please contact:
Mdm. Stella Chuo Sing Hong/Miss Siti Nabiila
CRC Sibu Hospital
Tel/Fax: 084-314569

The Secretariat                                                                       Research ID no:
Clinical Research Centre                                                        Date Registered:
Hospital Sibu                                                              
Batu 5 ½, Jalan Oya Lama,
96000 Sibu
(u.p. Pn Stella Chuo Sing Hong   )

Tel: 084-314569
Fax: 084-314569


  1. Category: Oral /Poster (Please circle the appropriate category)

  1. Institution:____________________________________________________

  1. Unit:_________________________________________________________

  1. Research Title:_________________________________________________


  1. Name of Presenter :_____________________________________________

  1. Salutation: (Prof/Dr/ Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) _________________________________

  1. No. Telephone:________________________________________________

  1. Fax number :__________________________________________________

  1. Email Address:_________________________________________________

  1. IC No: _______________________________________________________

  1. Signature / Cop:

(Please kindly submit your abstract to CRC for registration)




·        All abstracts must be submitted accompanied by a copy of submission form.
·        Abstracts must not be more than 300 words (inclusive of title and author(s) name)
·        Title must be in bold capital letters at the top of the abstract.
·        Author(s) name and institution: Maximum of 5 authors can be listed. Presenting author’s  name must be underlined.
·        Leave one line between the title / author / institution and the body of the abstract.
·        Text must be typed single-spaced, with one the left margin justified.
·        Graphs, tables and illustrations cannot be included in the abstract.


Abstracts should not be more than 300 words and should include the following:
a) Free papers/studies/trials:
·        Title of Paper
·        Names and Addresses of Authors
·        Introduction
·        Objective(s)
·        Methods
·        Results and Discussion
·        Conclusion(s)

B) Case reports/case series:
·        Title of Paper
·        Names and Addresses of Authors
·        Background/Introduction
·        Case presentation
·        Investigations (if relevant)
·        Differential diagnosis (if relevant)
·        Treatment
·        Outcome and follow up
·        Discussion
·        Conclusion(s)/Learning points




1.      Posters when selected for display must be printed n the following format: Vertical (portrait) AO size (90cm width x 120 cm height)mounted on the assigned board.
1.      Presentations in Poster Sessions will be numbered and listed in the programme.

2.     The top of your poster must have a label indicating its title and authors.

3.     All illustrations should be prepared beforehand. Your illustrations should be readable from a distance of about 1 meter. Keep illustrations simple.

4.     Poster must be not mounted on heavy board because they may be difficult to keep in position on the poster stands.

      6. Posters must be dismounted within the stipulated period. The Organizing Committee will not be responsible for posters which have not been dismounted during the stipulated period.